Brought to you by: CivicLex, New Leaders Council Kentucky, & Plantory

Statistics Used in the Session:

Questions Asked in the Session:

Resources & Sources


How do the above survey numbers hit you and how do you respond to them?

Thinking about wages and can they afford to do what they do in Lexington or would they be better off in another city? 10% have had to go on gov assistance and 13% have had to sell possessions to make ends meet.

Non-profits are the best of us. It's sobering to hear those kinds of numbers.

Respondents believe they are representative of the communities they serve. Who is the community I actually serve vs. the community I purport to serve.

Who do non-profits serve? Who are they for?

Can be for everyone- (sexual violence survivors), the entire community, depending on how we look at statistics- the whole community, local neighborhood, clientele that are looking for specific services?